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Italian Citizenship Assistance Program
Citizenship Timelines & The ICAP ProcessICAP accelerates your journey to Italian Dual Citizenship, streamlining document acquisition, navigating consulates and courts, and providing dedicated Case Managers for a smooth, efficient process.

Faster Italian Citizenship with ICAP

At the ICAP, we specialize in streamlining and speeding up the process of obtaining Italian Dual Citizenship. Our dedicated team members and strategic partnerships allow us to efficiently acquire necessary documents in the correct format, preventing delays. We facilitate applications through the consulate, the courts, or directly in Italy, advising on the fastest route based on current demand and your specific circumstances. Each client is assigned a dedicated ICAP Case Manager, ensuring personalized service and smooth communication. If circumstances change mid-process, our experts can pivot your case to a faster route, keeping your citizenship journey on track.

Overview of Timeline for Italian Citizenship

The total time to obtain Italian citizenship can vary due to several factors, including the location of required documents, the availability of ancestor information, and necessary record corrections. Government wait times significantly impact the overall timeline, with some locations processing records within weeks and others taking months or even a year. This variability can influence document procurement, record corrections, government certifications, and other related processes. Every location has different wait times based on their current situation and demand.

At ICAP, we strive to expedite your case, but we are frequently limited by the processing timelines of these institutions. Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the ICAP process and estimated timelines for each step, helping you understand the journey and time frame involved in obtaining your Italian citizenship.

Steps of ICAP’s Process

The first step in working with ICAP is determining if we are the right fit for your Italian dual citizenship journey. The best way to get in touch with us is by scheduling a free eligibility and informational call, ensuring a booked time convenient for both parties. You can also reach out via phone, email, or chat.

During our first contact, we aim to identify your eligibility for Italian dual citizenship and answer any general questions you may have about ICAP or the citizenship process. While we can address broad inquiries, detailed questions about your specific case may require more information. To assess your eligibility, we will ask for details about your Italian ancestors and help interpret any documents you have. Often, we can determine your eligibility within minutes. If we lack sufficient information, we may initiate a Naturalization Record Search or a Genealogy Search.

Typically, we can determine your eligibility during our free call and are ready to proceed to the next step immediately. However, if there isn’t enough information available from you or our research databases, we may need to conduct a Naturalization Record Search or a Genealogy Search. These searches usually take a few weeks to confirm your eligibility making you ready for the next step.

Once we determine your eligibility for Italian Citizenship, we will schedule an initial phone consultation. During this consultation, we gather essential information, outline the best path for your citizenship application, provide detailed pricing, offer a timeline estimate, and address any specific questions you may have. This consultation, costing $120, marks the beginning of your official journey with ICAP, allowing us to provide tailored advice for your case.

The initial phone consultation typically involves just one call to collect the necessary information and answer your questions. If any family information is missing, progress may pause until this information is located. Usually, clients or ICAP can find the needed details, but sometimes a Genealogy Search is required, which can take a few weeks.

Typically, by the end of the initial phone consultation, we have developed a customized plan for your citizenship journey and are prepared to begin procuring the necessary documents. Our team of experts conducts meticulous research to ensure we obtain the correct records from the appropriate sources, complete with all required stamps, seals, and certifications for acceptance by the Italian Government.

Document requirements, particularly for US records, can be intricate and need specific requests during the ordering process. Our experts streamline this process, ensuring smooth and accurate procurement. If you have already obtained some documents on your own, we will likely ask a few questions to assess if they meet the necessary requirements. If we determine they are unlikely to work, we recommend utilizing ICAP’s team to ensure proper procurement and avoid delays later in the process. If the documents appear suitable for Italian Citizenship, we will obtain any remaining necessary documents.

While we strive to gather all required documents from the outset, additional documents may be needed later due to discrepancies or deficiencies in the standard documents. As we gather documents, you will have regular updates from your ICAP Case Manager, who is always available to answer questions and provide status updates. Privacy laws may necessitate collaboration between ICAP and the client for certain records. If any documents cannot be located due to ambiguous information or gaps in records, we will advise on alternative routes, such as genealogical research or additional searches for substitute documents.

The timeline for document procurement can vary significantly, influenced by the location of required documents and the available information about your ancestors. Most timeframes are affected by government wait times, with some records available within weeks and others taking months or even up to a year. Our team diligently researches to ensure we obtain records in the correct format from the institutions with the fastest processing times. However, certain documents may only be available from specific locations with extended wait times. Generally, the Document Procurement stage takes around three to six months. In cases of extreme wait times or the need for genealogical research due to missing records, the timeline may extend beyond this typical range.

Once all necessary documents for your case have been gathered, we move to our Document Analysis phase. Here, your documents are meticulously reviewed to ensure they meet the specific requirements for your Italian citizenship application. Given the various paths to Italian citizenship, our analysis is tailored to your specific application needs, ensuring your documents are perfectly aligned. Upon completion, you’ll receive a detailed report highlighting any areas that need attention to maximize your application’s success.

The Document Analysis phase typically takes one to two months, depending on the application location. Unique circumstances in your documents may require additional research, potentially causing slight delays.

The next step in obtaining your Italian Dual Citizenship is to fix any deficiencies in your application. This can include procuring additional documents, amending names or dates, or obtaining court-issued documents to address discrepancies. While some cases may not require remediation, many do. Keep in mind that the Italian Government’s acceptance of these documents is often nuanced.

Based on your specific case, we may recommend certain fixes for the documents while suggesting that other discrepancies be left unaddressed, as they are unlikely to pose issues or because remediation could be difficult, costly, or time-consuming. We thoroughly explain the details to ensure you can weigh the risks and benefits of each remediation option. While we provide our best advice, the final decision is ultimately yours, based on your comfort level.

The timeline for document remediations can vary significantly. If no major issues are found, this stage may be unnecessary. However, if remediations are needed, the duration can depend on factors such as the number of corrections, document location, your relationship to the person on the documents, and government processing times. Generally, if required, the Document Remediations stage takes a few months.

Once all documents are corrected, our professional translators meticulously transcribe them into Italian, matching the format and creating the required attestations. We ensure all translations meet the Italian Government’s specific standards.

Translations typically take between two weeks to a month, depending on the number of documents.

Many of the documents in your application require special government certifications for acceptance by the Italian Government. ICAP handles all the details and communication with government departments to ensure your documents are properly certified for Italian Citizenship.

Government certification timelines depend on processing times. Most documents take one to two months, but some can take up to six months for certification.

Once your documents have all the necessary certifications, the ICAP team will assist in preparing your application. This step can vary depending on your case type, whether you are applying at the consulate, through the courts, or directly in Italy.

The Application Preparation stage typically takes between two and three weeks, depending on the complexity of your case and the number of applicants.

Benefits of The ICAP Citizenship Process

Faster Documents: Our dedicated team specializes in obtaining each type of document swiftly. We ensure all documents are in the correct format, cutting down on time and avoiding delays later in the process.
Multiple Application Options: With expertise in all citizenship application routes, we advise on the fastest option for your situation. If circumstances change, we can seamlessly pivot your case to a quicker route.
Dedicated Point of Contact: Each client is assigned an ICAP Case Manager, your dedicated point of contact. They provide updates, answer questions, and ensure your case moves forward smoothly and efficiently.

ICAP Timeline FAQ

Several factors can affect the timeline, including the availability and condition of required documents, government processing times, the specific application route chosen, and any necessary document corrections.

Yes, our dedicated team specializes in quickly obtaining documents and ensuring they meet all requirements, which can significantly expedite the process. We also advise on the fastest application routes and pivot your case if needed.

Document procurement typically takes around three to six months, depending on the location and availability of the required documents. Some documents may take longer due to government processing times.

Delays can occur due to government processing times, discrepancies in documents, or incomplete information.

Yes, you will receive regular updates on the progress of your application whenever there is a significant development. Your dedicated ICAP Case Manager will provide updates, answer questions, and ensure your case moves forward smoothly and efficiently. If you ever need an update, feel free to contact your Case Manager.

Get a Detailed Pricing Estimate and Start Your Citizenship Journey!

At ICAP, we specialize in streamlining the path to obtaining Italian dual citizenship. Our dedicated team manages everything from document procurement to application preparation, minimizing wait times and ensuring accuracy. We provide personalized support and regular updates to keep your case on track. To learn more about our process and timelines, contact us today or schedule a free consultation using the link below. Let ICAP guide you through every step of your journey to Italian dual citizenship.