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Italian Citizenship Assistance Program
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Celebrating Italian American Heritage Through Italian Dual Citizenship

Italian American Heritage Month is a time for reflecting on Italian Americans’ rich heritage and culture. While we must celebrate our heritage daily, this month reminds us of its value and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

The Roots of My Pride: Tracing Back to Locorotondo, Bari

As a third-generation Italian American, I take immense pride in my heritage and the traditions passed down through my family. My great-grandfather, Antonio Loparco, immigrated to the United States from Locorotondo, Bari, in the Puglia region. Growing up in a tradition-rich family, I realized the significance of my culture from a young age.

Being affiliated with The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) since I was five has profoundly influenced my life. Furthermore, I participated in Italian language courses at Casa Italia, enhancing my connection to my family in Bari, Italy, and strengthening my bond with my ancestral roots.

Cultural Connections & Dual Citizenship for Italian Americans

Dual citizenship in Italy offers numerous advantages for Italian Americans. One significant benefit is the freedom to study and work within the European Union, presenting countless unique career opportunities. Moreover, dual citizenship facilitates travel, eliminating the need for a visa and deepening the connection to the ancestral homeland. This dual citizenship status also boosts a sense of pride and appreciation for Italian culture and traditions. Those considering international business or diplomatic careers will find dual citizenship particularly beneficial. Italian Americans can gain a unique world perspective and a deeper connection to their heritage through dual citizenship.

Contact Us: Your Journey to Italian Citizenship Begins Here

If you want to explore Italian citizenship further, we are here to help. Call us at (312) 796-9970 or visit our website at to find out more. With our assistance, you can embrace your heritage and bridge two worlds together.